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How Do I Know If I Have Breast Cancer?

Your breast health is a matter of paramount importance, and knowing how to monitor it is the first step in early detection. Breast self-exams are a simple yet vital method for keeping a watchful eye on your well-being. 

In this comprehensive guide, we will walk you through the step-by-step process of performing a breast self-exam correctly. By following these instructions, you can empower yourself to take proactive control of your breast health. Additionally, we will discuss the common symptoms of breast cancer that you should be vigilant about.

Step-by-Step Guide to Breast Self-Exams

Performing a breast self-exam is a simple yet crucial way to monitor your breast health. Here is a step-by-step guide to help you perform a self-exam correctly:

Step 1: Preparation

–  Stand in front of a mirror in a well-lit room

–  Ensure that both arms are relaxed at your sides.

Step 2: Visual Inspection

–  Examine your breasts visually for any changes in size, shape, or contour.

–  Look for any skin changes, such as redness, dimpling, or puckering.

–  Check for changes in the nipple, such as inversion or discharge.

Step 3: Raise Your Arms

–  Raise your arms above your head to observe your breasts’ appearance with your arms in different positions.

Step 4: Palpation (Feeling for Lumps)

–  While lying down, place a pillow under your right shoulder and your right arm behind your head.

–  Use the pads of your three middle fingers on your left hand to gently and systematically palpate your right breast.

–  Begin at the outer edge and move inwards in small, circular motions.

–  Cover the entire breast, ensuring you examine all areas, including the nipple and the armpit (axillary) region.

–  Pay attention to any lumps, thickening, or unusual textures.

Step 5: Repeat for the Other Breast

Step 6: Stand and Re-Examine

–  Finally, stand up and repeat the visual inspection you performed in Step 2 while looking in the mirror.

Common Symptoms to Watch For

In addition to regular self-exams, it’s important to be aware of common symptoms of breast cancer:

  1. Lumps or Thickening: Feeling a lump or thickening in the breast or underarm area.
  2. Changes in Breast Size or Shape: Noticeable changes in the size, shape, or contour of one or both breasts.
  3. Nipple Changes: Changes in the nipple, such as inversion (turning inward), discharge (other than breast milk), or a scaly, reddened, or dimpled appearance.
  4. Skin Changes: Skin changes on the breast, such as redness, warmth, dimpling, or puckering.
  5. Breast Pain: Persistent breast or nipple pain that is not related to the menstrual cycle.
  6. Swelling: Unexplained swelling, redness, or thickening of the breast.


Familiarizing yourself with breast self-exams and recognizing potential symptoms of breast cancer empowers you to take proactive steps toward your breast health. The step-by-step guide provides a clear method for self-examination, and the list of symptoms can help you identify warning signs. 

Remember that regular check-ups with healthcare professionals are essential in the fight against breast cancer, and any concerns should be promptly discussed with your doctor to ensure early detection and treatment. Your breast health matters, and by staying informed, you can make informed decisions about your well-being.


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